* Classis of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines

The third Classis Meeting of the newly formed Federation of Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines was held this past Friday, October 31, in the building of the Protestant Reformed Church in Bulacan. 

PRCB in Muzon, Bulacan

Rev. Smit leading in opening devotions.

The next few pictures show the many who attended from both churches (Berean PRC and PRC in Bulacan), plus some visitors.

Some discussion after the meeting.

There was also time for lunch and fellowship together.

Committee work.

We thank the PRC in Bulacan for hosting the meeting of Classis.  And we pray that God, Who is faithful, will "establish the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands, establish thou it."  Psalm 90:17



  1. Yes, there's a summary on the Philippines Mission's audio and literature blog at:
