* Young People's Outing (2)

After lunch various games went on in the yard and house.

Chess on the front porch


This dodgeball had a little different twist than we are used to.  They had two people throwing the ball and the rest had to run back and forth between the two, away from the person throwing the ball, all the while trying not to get hit.  What fun!


The spectators

Some played Uno for a while....

and whatever else could be found to do!

After a while, a large group took a walk to the "second floor."  The "second floor" is a hill in the subdivision that you can climb and get a nice overview of the city.

The walk

The climb - just a short one!

Some fun at the top.

The group with the city in the background.

The youngest attendee sleeping through all the action.

Time for a group photo before everyone leaves

First Reformed of Bulacan rented a jeepney to make the 2 hour trip to our place and back.  The jeepney parked outside our gate and the driver waited out the day.  

Time to say good-bye and to pile in the jeepney for the ride home

All set to go.  Ingat! (Take care!)

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