* Flowers And Critters

Being a tropical country, the Philippines has a wide range of plant and bug life.

Impatiens Hawk Moth

A couple different caterpillars

A carabao with a pile of sugar cane seedlings in front

 A spider we encountered on the road one night.

 This little fella was on top of our back door.

A monkey in the wild

Coral Snake

Spider Lily


Mexican Peacock Flower

 Bengal Trumpet

Cogon Grass

Mangrove tree


"Marvelous are thy works.." Psalm 139:14

"When I consider the work of thy fingers... What is man?"  Psalm 8:3,4

"....The universe; which is before our eyes as a most elegant book, wherein all creatures, great and small, are as so many characters leading us to contemplate the invisible things of God...."
Belgic Confession, Article 2 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! All peoples and nations, all creation praises the Lord our God!
