* CERC Young Adults' Visit (Group 2): 1) Game day with the Bereans

We had a second group of young adults from the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore visit from July 25 to 30.  Even though they were here for only a few days, seems they managed to pack quite a bit into that time. 

Rev. Smit, John, Rebecca and we picked the 7 visitors up from the airport Thursday night. 
Rebecca Smit, Rev. Kleyn, Nicole Wong, Bernice Lim, Huiqi Koh, Ruth Teo
Rev. Smit, Milton Ho John Smit, Josiah Tan, Joshua Teo

Friday we made a trip to Taal Volcano.

Saturday the Berean young people joined us at our house for a day of food, fellowship and games.
Getting to know each other. 

Lunch time and more opportunity to get acquainted.
Game #1: 20 Questions

Game #2: Bible Trivia

The two teams consulting about the answer.

If your team got the answer wrong, the other team could smear powder on your face.

Game #3: Find the Coins

Coins were hidden in a plate of flour.  No hands allowed. Blowing only!

Game # 5: Mafia (otherwise called Assassin).
No, they aren't meditating.  :-) You'll have to ask the young people about the rules for this one!


Group picture.

Ok, this one's a little more normal! :-)


  1. Kind of like their own mini young people's convention!
    Young people on the other side of the world are no different than here, I guess. They like to have good fellowship. How good that they are able to do get to know saints from another country!

    1. Yes Elaine. The universal church is a beautiful thing!
