* Singapore Visit - October, 2016

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) in Singapore requested that Rev. Kleyn come to Singapore to help them in the examination of a student for the ministry, Emmanuel Singh. 

Bro. Emmanuel Singh has been a pastor in Kolkata, India for many years already, but through contact with the Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRCA) and then CERC, he desired to be affiliated with a Reformed denomination, rather than working independently.  As he stated in his exam, it is better for the long life of the church to have the Reformed church order and thus also to be affiliated with a denomination. 

Over the past eight years or so, Bro. Emmanuel received instruction via Skype from several ministers of the PRCA and more recently from Rev. Lanning.  CERC deemed that the time was ripe for him to be examined.

CERC also requested that Rev. Bruinsma be present to aid in the examination.

CERC asked, too, that Rev. Kleyn and Rev. Bruinsma conduct church visitation with their consistory while they were there.  This saved money and time, for now a different delegation does not need to travel from the States to Singapore to conduct the annual visitation required by the Church Order of Dordt. 

Thursday evening: Session (consistory) dinner before the meeting for church visitation.

At the meeting

Left to right: Elder Fai Chong, Elder Felix Chan, Elder Kong Wee, Rev. Lanning, Bro. Emmanuel Singh, Deacon Yoon Chuan, Deacon Cornelius Boon, Deacon Paul Liu, Elder Gim Theng. 
(Revs. Kleyn and Bruinsma are both taking pictures.) 

Saturday was the day scheduled for Bro. Emmanuel Singh's examination.

Waiting for our ride to the church

The examination went from 9 am to about 3 pm.

Bro. Emmanuel first preached his specimen sermon for the examination. 
It was his first time to preach in English!  His native language is Bengali.

Rev. Kleyn asks some questions.

Rev. Lanning's turn.....

...... and Rev. Bruinsma's turn

The Session members had opportunity to ask for further clarification of a point.

Rev. Bruinsma and Rev. Kleyn meet to discuss the examination.

Rev. Lanning reads out the consistory's decision to approve Bro. Emmanuel Singh's examination, with a view to his receiving a call from CERC to be a missionary in India, the Lord willing.

Rev. Kleyn reads the announcement from the PRCA delegates that they concur with CERC's consistory that Bro. Emmanuel Singh successfully sustained his examination.

Bro. Emmanuel signs the Formula of Subscription to show that he agrees with the Three Forms of Unity and promises to teach and defend them against all errors.

Presentation of the diploma

Bro. Emmanuel and his wife, Sonali, receive congratulations from the examiners, session members, and observers.

The four pastors......
Rev. Bruinsma, Rev. Singh, Rev. Kleyn, Rev. Lanning

........and their wives

New friends in the Lord

We praise and thank God for His goodness in bringing about these events.  We pray that He will work all of this for the spread of the gospel in India, and for the salvation of His elect people there.